Skijouring Equipment Available for a Donation

We currently have harnesses (both human and dog) as well as tethers that act like bungy cords to connect the human to the dog. Skijouring or hands free running with your dog rquires specialized equipment. If you look on the web, a starter kit with these three items costs about $90. We are offering this equipment (individual items or a starter kit) for whatever amount you wish to donate to the Bow Valley SPCA. We have many sizes and many different colours for you to choose from. The equipment is available at the Carla Cumming Sojonky Adoption Centre located at 123 Bow Meadows Crescent in Canmore, Alberta. Phone: 403 609-2022; email: Contact hours are Noon to 4 PM Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday; Noon to 5 PM on Friday; and Noon to 7 PM on Saturday.