“Marcus” Director of Pet Relations The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise to Attend 2013 Mut Strut

Marcus (Mark to his friends) was born on January 9th, 2009. His calm demeanor and friendly nature not only made him a wonderful companion dog; these qualities were also exactly what the Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind were looking for in a “seeing eye dog”. Unfortunately, Mark was a little too friendly and a little too interested in the world around him and did not quite make the grade. As a second career option, Director of Pet Relations at The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is a pretty sweet gig!
Mark started at FCLL in September 2010 and quickly showed that he had what it takes to be a Fairmont colleague. Mark loves to visit with everyone, from the smallest child to the biggest dog; if you say “Hi” to him, he will take time to visit with you. Be prepared to fend off his licks! There are few things Mark likes more than delivering some well placed licks to a child and getting some giggles in return.
Marcus has made himself at home in the Lobby at The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. He can be found there most weekdays, either lounging on his bed, relaxing in any convenient sunbeam, visiting with friends in the shops, or escorting the Bellmen as they deliver luggage to guests in their rooms. Guests of the Chateau can visit with Marcus in the lobby or sign up to take him out for a walk by the lake. This activity is truly a treat for kids and guests who are missing their pets back home.
Everything, especially fetch.
Like all Labrador Retrievers, Marcus loves to play fetch. His boundless energy will wear out even the most seasoned throwing arm. On returning to his playmate, Mark will toss the toy back or drop it at his friend’s feet for the next throw.
We haven’t come across anything yet that Mark doesn't like! Cats, dogs, rabbits, kids, old folks, hiking, sleeping, swimming, Mark loves it all!
Like every new colleague at FCLL, it took Mark a few weeks to get used to life at 1739 meters (5600 feet) but once he was used to the altitude, there was no holding him back. Mark truly enjoys a leisurely stroll along the lakeside. If you are in the mood and up for something a bit more strenuous, he also enjoys a brisk walk, especially in the cool of the morning.
Marcus’s Family:
Marcus resides in Canmore with his family (Richard, Laura and the kids Peter and Louise). He carpools to Lake Louise with Richard (the Chateau’s Director of Security) and several other lucky employees. He can often be found with his family on the trails around the Bow Valley.