Last Minute Donations and Pledges Take Mut Strut over $17,000
Thu, 26 Sep 2013

We spoke too soon when we said we raised over $15,000 from the 2013 Mut Strut. The implication was that it was just over that mark. In this case we were premature--but in a good way. We Actually raised over $17,000 for the dogs and cats of the Bow Valley SPCA Actually the amount was $17,362. Why the discrepancy? We had a lot of people who turned in pledges on the day of the event and we had several on-line donors that sent in their donations after the event.
Whatever, we want to thank all of the participants who did the fund raising and of course all of the people who donated money and all of the people who volunteered their time and talents to make this event the best one ever.