Finola's Story: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”– Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Finola arrived to the Bow Valley SPCA this past April making the long journey from Thailand. She was rescued by the Soi Dog Foundation from the streets of Phuket and the illegal meat trade. Nobody knew exactly what Finola had been through, but one thing we knew for certain was that a world full of people, the hustle and bustle of life around her, and the touch of a stranger was terrifying.

One of our volunteers, Heather, quickly got to work attempting to earn her trust.

At their first meeting Finola was trembling in the corner of her room and reluctantly allowed Heather to place a harness and leash in place to head outside. Outside in one of our spacious pens, Finola slowly investigated her surroundings, and once she felt a little more comfortable allowed Heather to see a slight peek at the puppy hiding inside. For 15 seconds she bounced across the pen, play bowing once before quickly remembering she was in the presence of a human! From this moment on Heather was determined to break Finola out of her shell and teach her that humans really weren’t so bad.
Finola quickly became best buddies with Andine, another dog recued by Soi Dogs, and even our very own Blake. Both dog pals helped show Finola the ropes and taught her that going for walks and even swims with the volunteers could be a fun adventure!

Jeff, a local Canmorite, decided on his birthday weekend it was time to meet another dog after losing his previous pet about a year earlier. Although it was his birthday, he would have to wait to meet her since Finola was a special case and needed her project lead Heather nearby for security.
A few days later Jeff was finally able to meet Finola! She even came within 5 feet of him in the pen – which doesn’t sound like much, but for Finola, meeting a new person and getting that close on her own accord was a tremendous accomplishment. The next meeting, a few short days later, produced even better results – Finola would come even closer, eating treats off the ground right beside Jeff’s shoe. Eventually after many visits Finola finally decided it was ok to eat a treat out of Jeff’s hand – as long as he wouldn’t look at her. At first Jeff compared Finola to “Miss Daisy” of “Driving Miss Daisy.” On walks she was always following along behind him so she could keep a watchful eye on him. Then, after spending many hours together, Finola slowly began to trust and appreciate his company.

With a tremendous effort from Jeff and Heather, it became a match made in heaven! Jeff allowed Finola to progress at her own pace, exercising extreme patience and not getting discouraged. He loyally met Finola during his lunch breaks, after work and on weekends to earn her trust. Not only did Finola teach Jeff a lesson in patience, but she has since continued to teach him things: like which spot on the couch is hers and where the rabbit hole is under the shed–it makes such a good place to hide out!
Not only do your donations help us save the lives of dogs like Finola, but they also change the lives of each person who walks through the center doors. Our volunteers and adopters learn patience, determination and new skills, in turn enhancing the lives of all of the animals in the shelter by teaching them to love and trust.