Elizabeth Rummel School Students Visit Bow Valley SPCA
Monday Nov 27th, 2017, Ms. Delorme's students from Grade 3 French Immersion class from Elizabeth Rummel School visited the Bow Valley SPCA Resident Animals. Along with parent volunteers, BVSPCA volunteers and staff the students visited the resident cats, practiced Level 1 Open Paws Training with the dogs, and learned the importance of approaching a dog safely.
Students had learned Treble's journey when he paid a visit to the student's classroom and happy to hear of his adoption by a family in Calgary. Educators and students discussed Pet Responsibility and Humane Treatment. The journey of Stray Animals to residents of BVSPCA was the subject for the students class project. After hearing stories of Resident Animals Journey, each student created their own story of a stray animal's journey, and the challenges the animals faced prior to arriving at BVSPCA. Two of the stories have been added to this page.
One of the volunteer parents told us:
Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience with the SPCA! Such a valuable, educational and fun thing you came up with for the students – thank you!!