Dog Play Groups Become a Reality at the BVSPCA
Mon, 29 Oct 2018

The Bow Valley SPCA sponsored Dog Play Group workshop (funded by a Calgary Foundation grant) has paid off for the dogs at the BVSPCA. Two very high energy dogs (Winston (brown and white mixed breed) and Nikki (Siberian Husky) were successfully introduced. Both needed more exercise that they could get by going for a walk or by roaming our 2 acres of fenced space by themselves. In the past, we would only have had the option to take them for longer walks to give them more time outside. Not any more!
The workshop offered by Dr Kelly Lee gave almost 20 volunteers and our staff the skills to safely introduce dogs to each other so that they can become part of a play group of two or more dogs. The benefit of dogs playing together is enormous.
- they get more exercise than a human can possibly provide
- socialization skills are learned
- companionship with their own kind--one of the SPCA's five freedoms
- staff gains more knowledge about dog-dog interactions creating a better fit with adopting families