
Flora came to the Bow valley SPCA along with 6 of her sibling sisters and her mom (Pasha). She was about 10 days old when she arrived. Her mom was extremely skinny when she arrived, probably because she had so little to eat before being rescued. Flora and all of the other pups were plump as could be.

With love. Care, and lots of food for Pasha, all of the pups flourished. Then came the week the pups were to be adopted. Seven happy, if not to say rambunctious, girls were adopted within days of being available and we thought the story was finished. NOT SO.

Three weeks after being adopted, Flora was returned, amidst tears and profound sadness. Members of the family had a severe allergic reaction and could not keep her.
We accepted the surrender since we know these things happen. We were sure we could re-home her—one look at her face made that very clear, and one observation of her playful nature made it even more certain.
Enter Lauren, a dedicated volunteer who has adopted two dogs from the BVSPCA. Her older dog Kayla, died recently and she was looking for a companion for her other adoptee, Shadow. Lauren took one look at Flora and lost her focus on the rest of the room. One phone call later and arrangements were made for Flora to meet Shadow.

Lauren’s only comment was that if Flora and Shadow got along with each other that she would have to change her name.