Bow Valley SPCA in the Classroom

On January 14 Bow Valley,SPCA Education Committee and Cedar, a 6 year old Purebred German Shepherd, who wasadopted from the Bow Valley SPCA, paid a visit to Ms Joan Rose’s Grade 2 class. This class learned about the Bow Valley SPCA Yellow Dog Project.
Cedar pictured here with Dawna Evans and Lauren Miklos, two volunteers with Bow Valley SPCA Education Committee, now has her forever home with Lauren. Cedar has become the Mascot and Education dog for BVSPCA.
Cedar arrived to the classroom with a Yellow Ribbon attached to her leash which the students learned meant that she was in training so the students remained seated respecting her and giving her space. The students also learned the dogs wearing this Yellow Ribbon may have other reasons they need space e.g. may have had surgery, a medical condition or learning to socialize with dogs or people. These Grade 2 students are excited to teach others in the community of the Yellow Ribbon Project.