2023 Winter Fundraiser Wrap-Up

Wow. Everyone, we can’t thank you enough.
At the beginning of November, we launched our yearly winter fundraiser campaign. This year, we asked for your help to bring a little love into the world.
Our goal was to raise $75,000 by December 31, 2023. On Giving Tuesday, we asked for your help to raise $10,000 of that total goal.
The numbers are in and we are absolutely blown away by your generosity.
On Giving Tuesday $19,981 was raised in one day! With Hanna Pestell's generous matching donation, our Giving Tuesday total reached $29,981!
As a Christmas incentive, our Centre's namesake Carla Cumming-Sojonky, pledged $5,000 in matching funds. Stonewaters quickly stepped up to match the full amount that morning!
And by December 31st, because of you, we exceeded our total fundraising goal and raised $85,000!
We are amazed by the kindness and generosity of our community and people like you. Thank you for bringing a LOT of love into the world! Every dollar you gave will directly support the cats and dogs in our care.
So thank you, again. From all of us.