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1000th Adoption

Fri, 28 Nov 2014

We just adopted the 1000th animal today (November 28, 2014).  Her name is Sandy and as you can see she is a cutie.  We opened on June 2, 2007 and the first adoption from our centre was Creed, who was adopted by Pam Doyle (a well know photographer in the Bow Valley) and goes pretty much everywhere with her while she is on assignment.

In just over 7 years one thousand homeless cats and dogs have become part of a family, getting and bringing comfort.  As many of the staff and volunteers at the centre have noted, It is not so clear who is rescuing whom, since both the animals and the people receive enormous benefits from the relationship.

While the staff and volunteers deserve a ton of credit, it is the COMMUNITY support that has made this possible.  Working from the same idea as It takes a community to raise a child, we say It takes a community to re-home 1000 dogs and cats...and counting toward the next thousand.

Creed ww i copy.jpg