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Host an Event

Sponsoring an event to support the Bow Valley SPCA will make you a local hero - especially to the cats and dogs at the Carla Cumming Sojonky Adoption Centre. If you wish to sponsor an event to benefit the BVSPCA, there are some great options.

Garage Sale 2018
Community Garage Sale

What Type of Events Can I Host?

Your imagination is the limit! There are so many types of events and fundraisers that can be used to help raise funds for the BVSPCA.

Some examples include, but are not limited to:

How Do I Get Started?

In order to start a fundraiser for the BVSPCA, we ask that you email us at to express your interest and propose your idea. We will send you an event application form, and once returned our team will review the application and once approved you can start organizing and promoting your event.

Access to our logo and advertising on our social media channels can be requested for events targeting $500 or more. Where applicable, donation receipts may be issued.

What are the Guidelines?

As a not-for-profit organization with deep roots in the Bow Valley community, we require events and fundraisers to be such that they will maintain and promote good relations with local businesses and individuals. As such, we require all proposed third party fundraising events (TPFE) to adhere to the following guidelines:

How Do I Collect Funds?

Cash is a great way to collect money at your event. If you have the ability to accept credit or cheque, you can transfer the money to us via cheque or cash payment. It's that simple!

Please note that we are unable to accept e-transfers for raised donations.

Other Tips & Tricks

After you've received approval from the Bow Valley SPCA for your event, you can follow these tips and tricks to help make your event successful:

1) Recruit friends, family and/or colleagues to help you plan your event.

2) Create a “To Do List” with a timeline to plan your event from start to finish.

3) Create your event budget – think about costs and revenue.

4) Book your event! Think about your needs for venue, audio/visual, catering, décor, photography, etc.

5) Determine if you need any permits or licenses (i.e for raffle, 50/50 draw, special event license, etc). Apply for all permits/licenses as needed – make sure you allow time for them to be approved.

6) Think of ways to promote your event – social networking, free listings, posters, public service announcements on the local radio station, etc. If you are web savvy, you can create your own webpage to fully explain your event and why you are raising funds.

7) Investigate sponsorship possibilities for your event. Compile a list of potential sponsors you plan to approach and submit them to the Bow Valley SPCA to check if these sponsors are already involved with us.

8) Put an invite/guest list together and send out invitations.

Our brochure, attached below, provides a general overview of our mission and purpose at the Bow Valley SPCA, which can be helpful in planning your event.

If you have questions or concerns about Hosting an Event for the BVSPCA, contact us at 403-609-2022 or