Our Vision & Mission
At the Bow Valley SPCA, everything we do from animal care, to fundraising, to event planning, to our day-to-day operations is based around our vision and our mission. So what are they?
Our Vision
Make A Difference, Change Lives.
Adopt. Love.
Our Mission
Provide our community with an adoption Centre following a no-kill, no-cage philosophy to shelter, care for and re-home stray and abandoned dogs and cats and promote humane attitudes and responsible pet companionship through educational programs and community leadership.
What is a No-Kill, No-Cage Philosophy?
The Carla Cumming Sojonky Adoption Centre's design is based on the organization's no-kill philosophy: saving both adoptable (healthy and free of serious behavioural problems) and treatable (medical treatment or behavioural training) dogs and cats, regardless of age or disability.
Euthanasia is considered only as a last resort for dogs and cats that are terminally ill or suffering intractable pain. Similarly, euthanasia is considered as a last resort for dogs proven dangerous to people or other dogs. The Adoption Centre Manager with the agreement of a veterinarian will make the final decision about euthanasia for medical reasons. Euthanasia for behavioural reasons can only be implemented with a recommendation by the Behaviour Committee and/or the Adoption Centre Manager and subsequent approval by the Board of Directors.
All dogs and cats are housed in rooms rather than cages or kennel runs. This reduces the stress of being housed in an adoption centre, however, it also decreases the number of animals that can be housed in our facility.

The Five Freedoms
The Five Freedoms outline five aspects of animal welfare under human control. The Five Freedoms have been adopted by professional groups including veterinarians and most organizations committed to the humane treatment of animals. Here at the BVSPCA, we are committed to ensuring that every animal under our care receives all of the Five Freedoms.
Click each Freedom below to learn how we provide for our resident animals:
Freedom from hunger and thirst
This means providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
At the BVSPCA, we go above and beyond by providing the required specialized, veterinary diets for each animal's specific needs, such as urinary diets and allergy diets. Our animals have access to water all day, and are fed on a consistent schedule. We also ensure that our overweight residents are on a carefully controlled weight-loss program help them to reach their optimal body condition safely.
Freedom from discomfort
This means providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
At the BVSPCA, our dogs are housed in their own individual rooms instead of cages, three of which have access to enclosed outdoor runs. The floors are made of recycled rubber tires, which is easier on our dog's joints. Every dog is provided with a bed, blanket and toys to make it feel like home.
Our cats are housed in cat chalets, rather than cages. We provide lots of places to climb, windows to look out of, and plenty of beds and scratching posts we ensure our cats have comfort as well as enrichment. We are careful to ensure that cats are housed based on their social preferences, and that all residents enjoy and get along with their housemates.
Freedom from pain, injury or disease
This means prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
At the BVSPCA, all our residents are constantly monitored for physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Regular wellness checks are conducted by our Animal Care Attendants, and any concerns are immediately reported and evaluated. We are proud to work alongside the veterinary clinics in Canmore to ensure our residents are getting the best care possible.
As a no-kill shelter, we provide treatment for all treatable medical conditions, and euthanasia is considered only as a last resort for dogs and cats that are terminally ill or suffering intractable pain.
Freedom to express (most) normal behaviour
This means providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal's own kind.
At the BVSPCA, we are a no-cage Adoption Centre. This means that our dogs each have their own room that provides lots of space for them to walk, stretch and lie down. Three rooms have access to enclosed, outdoor runs for those dogs that need extra space and prefer to lounge in the outdoors. Our dogs get playtime in our fenced yard, where they can run and explore safely.
Our cats have large rooms called chalets, that they share with other cats or (if it is their preference) have to themselves. Three of these chalets have access to outdoor, enclosed "catios" for some extra sun and fresh air. We ensure that each cat is housed based on their social preferences and needs.
Freedom from fear and distress
This means ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.
At the BVSPCA, our interactions with our residents are force-free. This means that we take the time to learn about the needs and behaviours of each of our residents, and through positive reinforcement and relationship-based training, we work with them to help them overcome fears and anxieties.
Our dog team develops training plans tailored for each dog, while at the same time providing enrichment and socialization to keep them mentally engaged. Our cat cuddlers follow careful instruction to ensure they are giving our resident felines a positive experience, and the enrichment they need.